Shout, just shout.
As much as your voice allows you to.


Erin. 16.
Feels that the world could be a better place.
Also doesn't mind having a JE paradise.
With strawberries.
And some lime juice would be nice.


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    My livejournal
    Might update this. Soon. If I want to.



    Designer: sweetcandiiez
    Inspirations: X X
    Cursor: X
    Hosts: X X X
    Words: Arashi - Everything

    Date : 03 December 2004
    Time : 7:37 AM
    Title : aii

    Aiiiiiiiiiiii.....This holiday is a disater!!!so many things...haiz..every week must write a compo..then read dunno wad stupid chinese stuff...then good news is i get the edusave merit bursary.Haha!5 years in a row!*walks around the room proundly* LOL
    And I really like the twevle kingdom and the other i think call inuyasha...very nice and cool..haha..LOL..HAiz..ppl i'm really sry so long didn't com got wreck and i had to restart my whole come..took me like..well..1 month or so..
    haiz i tell i want to change the layout liao..I hate pink!But it's the only one with the tagboard thingy i found ouy so far....
    Well ppl..the world is yet to end..haiz..:(

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