[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* has been added to the conversation.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
Hello. Hi. Yo. Aloha. Arlow.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
Hello. Hi. Yo. Aloha. Arlow.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
Hello. Hi. Yo. Aloha. Arlow.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
Hello. Hi. Yo. Aloha. Arlow.
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
who the hell
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
No hell.
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
dUn spam..
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
Nono hell.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
imao is wad?
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
laugh ass off.
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
let's crap.
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
[[* : : Purple Tulip : : *]] A Place That Filled With Sweet Memories.. *[x :. Happiee New Year .: x]* says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
She left.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
I hate your mei.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
I hate you.
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
she say you rude LOLS
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
why hate mii
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
She say I rude.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
She not rude
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
1 word shutup than go.
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
first thing say is
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
"who the hell"
* [[ ×» ·· ѕамайтна · ·«× ]] * says:
lols ><
-__w e n n x i n n ; TWINS <3 says:
go audi with your mei la/
Wells, if you, Little Miss Polite PT, is going to call me RUDE, I'll give you fucking rude.
If you fucking give me the bullshit that I'm rude, than you shouldn't be that fucking rude either.
Your first 3 words, Who the hell.
Your last 4 words, Shut up and Byebye.
Well, your not only fucking rude , but fucking inmature TOO.
Did you fucking brain know LMAO follows after ROFL? Did you? If you have the nerve to say I'm rude to Sam, why not say it straight to my face?
You say I spam. I was saying hello.
I said to crap. Crap means to nonsense. I bet you never did that before right? Little Miss Polite PT.
If your trying to make me pissed, than you suceeded. Go on and laugh rolling on the floor till your ass drops off.