Designer: sweetcandiiez
Inspirations: XX
Cursor: X
Hosts: XXX
Words: Arashi - Everything
Date : 31 December 2008
Time : 11:12 PM
Title :
You know how much life sucks for me now?
Just yesterday, wordpad made 3 of my fics disappear. There were all near or over 1000 words long, almost completed or completed.
And one of them was a collab with my friend. It was important. It was long. And now it's gone.
So nevermind. I went to bed, pissed off, cooled a little and went back to the comp. I talked to my angst-writter friend while writting it. It went good. I saved the fic at 4am before going to sleep.
I wake up at 8am and the fic is gone again.
..... So now I'm using notepad. Wordpad sucks now.
I sent the fic to be beta'd by my angst-writter friend, to get it proof-read, and I finished.
What, homework? No, I'm not done.
Yes, and I tried all 3 of my online network TV to catch the Japan countdown. I've been trying since freaking 9pm but at 10.45pm it still doesn't want to start and I freaking missed HSJ's performance and it's 2009 in Japan now. 11pm was their 12 midnight.
So now there's no more HSJ performance because 6 of them are not old enough. You have to be 18 or above.
But then AFTER their performance, and after 12midnight in Japan, I connected.
And. HSJ has to go home to sleep cause they're too young. ....
But you know, there was this part where they zoomed in at Yamada and Daiki and the rest when they were in the audience watching, and Daiki was hooting and I was like LOL SO CUTE.
Then it lagged like fsgehehag and I just closed the bloody shitass thing.
I was talking to Hika so happily and then Liyana asked me to go to school to soak firewood.
To that, I replied, "...Want to fight arh."
Idk. I think I was really sdghdthd just now.
But I went for Guides. For nothing.
What did you learn today, I learned nothing What did you do today, I did nothing What did you learn at school, I didn't go-o Why did you go to school, I don't know It's cool, to know nothing It's cool, to know nothing
I know it'll be extremely rude to not say this, and even if there's still like... 5 hours till the day is over, Britney Spears just made me very happy with her song and voice so..
Merry X'mas.
I know I just made you extremely happy. So now, I want LG Ice Cream, 1-or-2-year worth of MYOJO and Duet, 100 stamps to Japan, some clothes, perferably formal-looking ones, tank tops, a hair iron, some strawberries, Britney Spears album, tickets to see The Ting Tings, friends to go to the concert with, HSJ in SG, Yamada's hug, Daiki's kiss, Keito's reply letter, some coloured pens, some HSJ-related things, iPod touch and a job.
Me and YunJing gave Kimberly Rudolph's nose. I can never spell that name. Goshdamnit.
And Mark. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHA. You know, the lime juice thing was really nice tasting. What was it?
I'm so cold. I haven't bathed, but I'm so lazy.
I just realised I forgot to send the letter. *smacksface*
And the stupid corrupted people letters. I forgot too. TIFFANY WHAT IS YOUR ADDRESS?!?!?!
Yep, I think that's about all there is. Gosh Britney Spears, you totally rock.
I'm so tired. Mark's party's in 2 hours, I have 6 letters to send, 5 which are not done, 1 without an address(bceause I don't know it), a room to clean up, a few fics to finish and a kazillion homework to finish.
This isn't much of a life, eh. Sigh. AIM is being a complete shito and I can't log in to talk with my California friend.
Justin's Jokes corner is lame and Hilarious. What do you call an old snowman? WATER! And the Star Wars joke is a complete shito that it was funny. In a quiet way.
Selene you need to beat Justin to be famous.
Yesterday I went out to do homework. With Yanhong, Amelia, Elizabeth, Yun Han and Samuel Gan, Amelia's friend, and guess what.
We didn't.
I mean, we did. But I only did about... 4 math questions. Yunhan and I stalked Irsyad and Shannon in a weird way, Elizabeth and Amelia stalked a caucasian guy, and Yanhong still hasn't eaten her Lays. Elizabeth went home. Samuel Gan went home.
Anyway, after much persuasion, we went to Bugis Kinokuniya to buy my magazine(DUET1) and I was so happy and everything. I think I'll get Myojo today.
Me and YunHan went to eat ice kachang and Yanhong and Amelia went to Bugis Street. Er. It was pretty boring. Yunhan fangirl-ed with me. I love that woman.
Random Ice Kachang picture.
Then we went home.
It's so typical. Argh.
I want this phone. Because it's a flip phone. A calm phone. Whatever. I want it. I don't care if it supports Korean language and not Japanese. I don't care. I will manipulate my father, who has connections with LG stuff, to get this phone for me. I don't even care if I get the pink one. Wait, I do. So I would want the white one.
I don't know about you, but I am very much in need of a life.
I'm not complaining, but I wish I have happier things to blog about except HSJ and etc. But they're all over at my LJ, so it's pretty empty here.
So, I went to Yun Jing's house yesterday hopefully to get some homework done, but we all but managed to do one question for Mathematics, and ditched it to use her computer.
She has the same modem, CPU and keyboard as me. Isn't that cool?
And I showed her Yamada's smirk, 'shadow', his perfume dance etc etc. Opps, I'm not supposed to say these things here.
Anyway I drank coffee at her house, and we plarrhf-ed.
I just realised the word verification thing IS GONE. IS IT REALLY GONE?! OH BLOGGER HAS ANSWERED MY CRIES AFTER 4 TIMES! YES!
Now, I just hope AIM wouldn't screw my verification mail. Or else I would need to make another screen name, which is just idiotic. orz
Hi Fifi. Lol. We said David Archuleta was boyband gay. Don't need for you to be hurt. I should have known when Hakim told me you had a five-minute temper span. Why aren't you online?
Anyway, Yunjing wants to advertise the Plarrhf thing. Are you still in?
If it makes you feel better, I'll say sorry again. I apologise. Sorry.
Hello fifi. It was a joke. and i thought you said you didn't care whether people critisise david and whatever and I get people calling yamada gay and does blowjobs and etc all the time and if i didn't call about your feelings i would have told you staight in the face that i thought david was gay. so there. i'm sorry. but i'm fucking pissed off by the fact that you said that these values, critisising other's idols for entertainment, that HSJ taught me that. I dunno. It just pissed me off. I was also hurt that you didn't know whether Eri was a girl or boy. I thought it was so goddamn obvious considering that my alias is Erin and everything. If you want to know, me and Hakim both think DA is boyband gay without a boyband but so is yamada, so to me it's a good thing. We were discussing the different genres DA could do except for pop and we thought classic suited him. Then I shall that post of yours and I asked Hakim for help and he logged off and left me to my misery. Why am I even typing this. Damn, I should be continuing the sequeal for that retarded crack!fic I wrote. I don't even think it's funny anymore. My leg hurts but I'm feeling so goddamn, I don't want to say it, crushed. I said it. Damn, do I feel stupid. Why the fuck do I even care. I think it's because I'm your friend. But you used to think that Yamada was gayish.Don't argue, I have proof. Okay I can't find it, my chat log sucks.
You know I opened my chatlog and the first thing I saw was, "salamahafifi.y: Nya i love you." And I started crying. Not really. But I think I did.
Soooooo. I ditched my California friends for some Asian real-life hanging out with Yun Han and Elizabeth.
So, with me around and after the first movie we watched, we went crazy and wtched two movies today. Haha. How brilliant.
YES MAN. Was totally hilarious. Holy crap, am I in love with that man. Jim Carrey. And the woman. I forgot her name.
OMG DID YOU KNOW THAT BRITISH GUY ARE HOT AND OMG THEY ARE HOT AND OMG. I don't know. I didn't know. Now I know. And the soundtrack probably rocks. I'm gonna buy it. Like how Elizabeth bought the Enchanted soundtrack.
Holy crap. I think. I'm in love with that lead singer guy. And the Dave guy who got manipulated. And the Robbie guy.
Nah. I only love Daiki and Yamada and Pen and PEncil. Shit. I can't mention any of the Japanese guys here. Oh crap oh crap. But I'm lazy to backspace. Forget it.
Okay, I'm leaving in 5 minutes time, so a little self-proclaimation here.
I shall make "Who is Ryosuke's Father" my crack-iest fan fiction yet. Really. I'm even working on a sequeal, but I doubt it would be as good as the first one. I was amazed. I even dreamt of it. I mean, people commenting on the sotry. I was so happy. Hahahahaha.
*gets kicked* ( wrote: Dec. 17th, 2008 11:28 am (UTC) EH. Eri girl or boy. Why would he/she have to go for sperm donation if he/she is a girl? I assume the other guy is the husband. And eh. They're siblings!??!?!?
Goddamn it, nyo. Eri is a girl. It's a dream. And why she didn't participate in the sperm donation. She WENT for sperm donation. Wait she didn't. I mean, ah. Whatever. LOL.
It's so pathetic. It has no camera, no MP3 player. It has Sudoku though.
My dad says it's a temporary one. For six months. Yeah. Huuray.
Okay Selene you can call me now. Do it soon, please. I want to go out. And Yun Jing too. Please.
On another note, I posted my fanfictions on the communities in LJ, and I've gotten positive comments! I'm so happy. I'm glad people thought the story was cute. Ahahahahaha, but I left the totally skipped the second chapter before going on to the third one, and I posted the third one already.
So... It was pretty confusing.
I'm writing the second chapter now, and I'm stuck. Gosh damn it.
I made another California friend, and we're sort of doing a collab now. I'm so happy! I really liked her fic, and she commented on my fic and I just sort of asked her if I could borrow her OC for my fic. And she said yes. Huuray.
I really need to make a list of my fics. I leave them all hanging and not bothering to continue them! Argh.
I'm talking to my new friend from California now. We both like Yamada, so I'm really happy. I'm helping her on her fan fiction, and she agreed to let my OC(Own Character) be in it! She's paired with Daiki, so I'm really happy.
And... Britney Spears is back, but. Did you guys watch the Circus MV? What the fuck is that white g-string outfit with netting? Oh gosh it's so ugly. And then, oh my God, the skin bra with those black lacy things covering her nipples. It's so..
I like her hair though. Ah ha. And her Ringleader outfit.
And gosh damn it, her songs are so addictive.
And I realised that people only tag me when I mention them. Shall I mention everyone's name?
Okay, that has got to be the lamest thing I've done all day, and it's only 9.28am. Bye.
I miss Yun Han and Tiffany. I want to go out with them now. Yun, Tiff, if you see this, call my house, m'kay? My phone's dead. If you don't know my house number... Just kill yourself, and I'll kill myself too. We'll meet in our heaven.
I miss Yan Hong and Amelia. Because... I just do.
I miss Yun Jing because she's in somewhereiforgotwhere and I want to ask her to teach me something so badly.
I miss Hakim because he's not in Singapore 'nymore and still hasn't onlined. I miss talking to him.
I miss Fifi because she's not online to fangirl with me.
I miss Zhihao and his nonsense.
I miss Fiona and her lawyer-speech.
I miss Selene and her crappiness and lameness.
I miss Kai Zhi and her baboon power.
I'm gonna miss Mark 'cause he's going overseas again. Bastard.
I... actually missed school. I want to go back to school. Okay, take that back. I haven't finished my homework.
On a completely unrelated note, this 'Like Me' cheorography is ownage. Gosh, I haven't used M@p135p33ch since forever.
Date : 10 December 2008
Time : 3:35 PM
Title : Loneliness rant.
I have a few thousand blogs on my stalk listbookmark, but I'm still bored.
Yes everyone. I have checked all the blogs available to me in 3 hours.
I'm so bored. So bored. And I think I update my LJ more than blogger now. That reminds me, there is supposed to be English today, but I didn't go. I own Miss Ng a couple of book reviews and newspaper articles.
But, I'm so lazy.
And... Hakim is going, I think today? I don't talk to Hakim other than using the means of Fifi's tagboard or MSN or my tagboard, but he is such a fun person. And because of the wonders of technology, I probably will still get to talk to Hakim unless his or my computer dies, so it's okay.
I'm miss Laura though. Remember we still have a political party to set up one day, Hakim.
I'm so lonely nowadays. I don't get to talk to Elizabeth or Yunhan or Tiffany because my phone just died. Not just. It's been one and half week already. Yanhong. Amelia, I don't talk to her much these few days. I guess it's always me and YunJing during school days, but she's overseas now. Mark. Lol.
I'm glad Fifi likes Daiki. Fangirling with someone is extrmemely fun. I haven't done it since I was in primary 6, with Chloe, but I rarely talk to her now. I lost contact with pretty much everyone.
And I have no friends from my tuition centre. Most of them dress like... Ah lians and ah bengs.
Well, bye. I'm going to my emo corner to do crunches now.
I've been lacking mucho in my sense of humor nowadays. I just tried to write a fluff fic, but it has failed me terribly.
I... need ideas.
I don't want to write angst fics, although, to me, angst fics are incredibly easy to write. The person just has to feel sad and suicidal in the end. But... crack fics. ...
*feels sad and suicidal.*
I am in love with this 'Striptease' cheoreography.
Seriously. I think I grew about 1.5cm. So, I'm 159.5cm now. It's so freaking cool. And when I woke up at 4am today and I checked my height just for the sake of it, I found out I was 163cm!
*relishes the feeling of being taller than Yamada*
It was surreal. I'll shrink back, but who cares? At that moment, I was only 1cm shorter than Daiki, and taller than Yamada! Hahahahhahaha, short.
All because I researched on height for Daiki yesterday. I'm such a caring wife.
*skips off to eat strawberries*
P.S. By the way, I think the "Who Tall are You" chart thing is stupid. But it being a mirror is cool.
I'm having Combined Chemistry and E.Math tuition. Turns out I'm alone for Chemistry, and with Kaizhi for E.Math. The E.Math teacher was pretty irritating, but he wasn't bad. The Chemistry teacher talks too fast.
Anyway, I'm neglecting blogger mucho, because since my life pretty much revovles around H!P and Johnny's boys, I'll be at LJ much often. But I'll still update this piece of crap here, with bits of what happened here and there.
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? -Hello world.
2. How much cash do you have on you? - $8.70 I just counted.
3. What words rhymes with "DOOR?" - Roar.
4. Favorite planet? - My emo corner = my bed. Which has loads of Chemistry and Math formulaes plastered near it, not to mention my HSJ posters. Sorry, I'm a geek.
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? - I DUN NOE. MAI FONE SPOWIL.
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? - Er, I don't know too.
7. What shirt are you wearing? - Monkey shirt from MiniToons.
8. Do you "label" yourself? - Not really.
9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing. - Hmm. These pair of brown sandals from 'Ripples'
10. Bright or dark room? - Dark room.
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? - I don't know who I stole it from. It was random. But her picture was pretty.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? - Last night? Er. I think I was talking to Mark, while fangirling.
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? - I DON'T KNOW. But the last time I check was YunJing saying she's off to Taiwan. Or something/
15. Where is your nearest 7-11? - Past a couple of blocks, across the road.
16. What's a word that you say a lot? - 'Oh my God' I guess that's not a word. Most probably 'oh' because it's first.
17. Who told you he/she loved you last? - I don't know.
18. Last furry thing you touched? - Lol, this kangaroo plushie my brother bought from Sydney. He's back now. He bought a wooden sword, a boomarang and couple of other useless stuffs.
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? - Er. I don't think I've touched any pill-like things for even 6 months. Or 7.
20. How many rolls of film do you need developed? - A LOT.
21. Favorite age you have been so far? - 15. 15. 15. I'm scared to advance. Second would be 10.
22. Your worst enemy? - Parsley and green tea. Ew. And pink. Pink. Oh yes definitely.
23. What is your current desktop picture? - This.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? - "Okay." (To my brother who asked me to leave his room.)
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be? - Fly. I could it use it to make money. Like, 'I'll fly you to _____ and you'll need to pay me $_____'. Definitely a 4-digit. The first woman-plane! Come on!
26. Do you like someone? - Yes. Really. Why would I lie?
27. The last song you listened to? - Taiyou no Namida by NewS. Because of the crack subs. Ohhhh, the curse of the pretty ones.
My parents... Are sending me to tuition. My no-tuition streak. Ruined. Like how my gets-a-edusave-award-every-year streak and my curry-everyday streak. Gone with the wind.
Bye. Off to register.
P.S. I can't believe my mum is fussing over a meal at Pizza's Hut! It was for my brother's birthday! P.S.S Salmon. <3
I forgot about blogging for a moment because I actually went to LJ instead. I know. I'm sorry. But someone finally commented on my fanfics and I'm so happy! Yay.
I just cooked tomato fried rice. It's just rice with tomato sauce, an egg, and some hot dogs. Turned out pretty well. I'll cook more next time.
And my old key board died on me. So, I stole my brother's keyboard since he's in Sydney right now. His keyboard is so flat and difficult to press. Like, a laptop's. I hate using laptop since it's so flat and... Weird. Whatever.
Remember I said about my phone dying? Well, exactly what happened to it is that, when I turn it on, it would shut off by itself after a minute or two. So I can't really check out my messages. And my father just sold all the old phones so there's no spare.
So I am now... non-commutive. HAhahahha, excuses for not being able to go to English and Girl Guides. Muahahahhahaha.
Woah, the 'enter' button just got a mind on it's own and started 'entering' itself for a few seconds just now.
Old picture: This is a random picture of... Frozen Strawberries. :D It's was a big mistake though. I cut them into little pieces and put them in water. I froze that, and the strawberries turned out... soggy. Lost it's flavour. Gone. Dead. ...
It was prettier though.
It's freaking cold because it's raining. Lucky it doesn't snow. Or else, I might as well get myself freaking killed. I'm all covered up and drinking hot milo. Hmm.
I forgot to mention, I borrowed 'The Lovely Bones' from the libarary today. Library? Libarary? I don't know. I've never been able to spell that word ever since I first saw it. Oh well. Library.
Hello. I'm quite satisfied because I just bought the December issue of DUET. Yay, HSJ goodness. I love the Daiki+Yamada photos.
:D Yamada. Daiki. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
I finished watching Scrap Teacher 6. Yay for German.
Anyway, I woke up late today for English. I wanted to panic, you know, 'casue it's Ms Ng and everything, but I find myself only panicking after the bus passed the Japanese School. Ms Ng just said, "Oh, Mdam!" Hmm. And Yan Hong ditched me and so Kai Zhi went with me to Bugis to buy my DUET! I love Kai Zhi.
Anyway, here's the Japanese-learning website I was talking about, Kai Zhi. HERE.
I'm interested in Molecular Cuisine. Maybe I should make use of F&N and Art and advance to Molecular Cuisine. I probably can make a lot of money. Yay. I'll be rich and hopefully I can buy both Yamada and Daiki to be my personal entertainers. Muahahaha.
I was just thinking, if anyone were to live in my brain, they would be sniggering at how naive my mind it. I'm not going to tell you because you'll laugh. What the hell. Nevermind.
So now, it's Yunhan, Chinen. Fifi, Daiki. And JC, Hikaru.
I still can't decide between Daiki or Yamada though. Hmph. I want them both.
I've been wondering. How do people dance with pumps on? It's freaky. I can't even take a step with wedges. Man, gravity loves me.
And I love Kai Zhi. I promise I'll bake cookies for Kai Zhi. Yes. :D
P.S. Today's word verification is 'Knooks'! Now where have I heard it before?
This picture is completely unrelated to what I'm going to say, but, I drew this when I was bored during one of my sleepless nights while eating shitake mushrooms. It was pretty good.
Okay, to the point.
Will you believe it, I finished my 3 book reviews! And two of them are of teenage issues. I'm so angsty these days.
I want to read 'The Lovely Bones' and 'Lucky' so badly. I only reviewed 'Lucky'. I mean, I read the reviews online, and everyone is saying how surreal and disturbing it is, but still so sad and tragic. I want to read it. Ha. I bet you do too. I need better vocabulary.
Both of it are by Alice Sebold.
What's left are the summary for Comprehension and newspaper articles. Meh.
Speaking of summaries, I want to watch the Johnny's Summary concer DVD. I want. I want. I want the A0 poster. I want the official photos. And I'm disturbed by the paparazzi pictures I have of Inoo, Daiki and Yamada and I just deleted them all. I'm relieved. Yamada hates stalkers, you know. I shall make him happy and hate such pictures too.
I wish I could buy things online. But I have no money and I don't know how. Sorry.
I'm also sorry that every post I posted have to end on a Johnny note. I'm really sorry. So I'll end it on another note today: I can recognise hiragana now. I'm so happy. I can somewhat really Japanese now! And since kanji is almost all chinese-y I can understand what a person has actually wrote! I'm happy.
And then I looked at my comprehension answers. Why did I have to. Why.
I'm such a procrastinator. I told myself to copy book reviews from the net, but now, I'm watch clips of Yamada doing stupid things.
Like this confession.
"What is it that you like? Monkeys? Dogs? Ah, cats? Uh, me?!"
And Yamada dancing is seriously addicting to watch. I mean, I don't think his 'Perfume' performance is 'sexy', but his 'Asia no Yoru' performance. FTW, man. But I like the 'Perfume' dance more.
I want someone who likes HSJ to be my friend. I'm so lonely.
And today's Yaotome(Virgin Girl) Hikaru's birthday. Happy 18th Birthday.
Now, all I have to do is wait and see if someone gives me any HSJ stuffs for my birthday, like that A0 size poster, or that HSJ calender...
I realised that I was supposed to be moody, so here I am.
One, my phone FINALLY died on me. The Taiwan phone. It was a complete pathetic loser, and to be called a cell phone?! Phsst, please. Holy crap, you don't know how much it hurts for me to even SMS.
Now all I have to do is find a 0dollar phone to trade in with. Blah.
Two, there's English on Wednesday.
Three, I'm so irritated that I can't sleep! Usually I can sleep for 14 hours without waking up, but now, I sleep at 10.30pm, only to wake up at 1.30am. It's so frustrating! Then I can't get back to sleep. Usually I chant to myself, "So sleepy, sleepy," then I'll get a bit drowsy and I would think I'm getting back to sleep and then sudden, I would be wider awake.
Four, you know, I subscribed to the official Twilight Channel on Youtube and I reckon that they should just bloody post the whole movie. I love the book, but I'm not excited to see the movie. Maybe it's because the guy who plays Edward totally ruined my image of Edward Cullen, but judging from the scenes uploaded, it's looks... corny. Like High School Musical with only Troy and Gabriella and Troy's a vampire with Gabriella a... I don't know.
Five, knowing that there are hugeass A0 posters of Daiki and Yamada out there somewhere and not being able to buy it is really a torture. I mean, do you KNOW how freaking big A0 is? That's like, 8 pieces of A4 sized paper, probably 2 times bigger than your computer desk. My computer desk is huge, and I bet the poster's bigger than that! I mean, look at this!
Not mine.
Imagine you wake up to seeing this wonderful picture of Yamada staring at you, and best/worse, it's at least 10 times your head. I'm sorry, I guess that's a underrated discription, but it still is.
I don't think I would be able to handle it. Seeing such a huge picture.
I'm so moody, I think I will go play dress up games on again. Good day.
And she called me a monster! What!
Daiki is so cute.
Wait, I just remembered, I already made Yun Han like Chinen, but oh well.
Yesterday, 30th November, was Chinen's birthday. So he's 15 now! Yay! And the day before was my brother's birthday but that's not important ahem ahem. He's in Sydney now, enjoying his school's overseas trip...